
Rohun Baxi

Software Developer

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About Me

Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you!

I am a tech-enthusiast, basketball-connoisseur and passionate speaker. I spend my free time reading articles, developing opinions, and playing video games.


Wish (ContextLogic)

Software Engineer - Intern

Wish is one of the world's largest e-commerce sites, and I worked in the Logistics Payment Team.

I developed end-to-end functionality and created new endpoints in Go for an internal payment processing and customer tracking GraphQL API used across 3+ departments and by 100+ Wish engineers.

I designed and developed an optimized full-stack web application that implements payment processes in React, TypeScript, and Node for company-wide engineering and simulation usage, reducing GitLab regression testing time by 85%+ per commit.

I implemented Kubernetes configurations for payment service scripts, cron jobs, and tools to be deployed across production and staging environments, decreasing the time Wish Wallet transactions are internally processed by 50%.

I also modelled scripts in Python and Go to settle and synchronize over $800K in transactions with the Stripe and Braintree API's.

I managed, processed, and tracked projects across payment microservices in an Agile environment using Jira and GitLab

Brampton Focus

Software Engineer - Intern

Brampton Focus is a major local media outlet; there, I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create features, fix bugs, and update content on the Brampton Neighbours platform sites.

I worked with WordPress plugins and used PHP customization to implement UI/UX and other design features. I also enhanced platform UI/UX design within the Elementor and Toolset editors.

I implemented the Google Maps API, and caching for users to update locations on a moderated community map

I helped developed websites and web pages for platform affiliates. Examples include:

Adventure Pizza

Software Engineer - Intern

I created widgets using Node.js and React for usage in blockchain currency transaction platforms

I worked on audio compression and processing for use in a video playing application

Every IT Solution

Web Developer - Intern

I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Adobe Suite products to develop websites and promotional material for local small businesses

I implemented contact features, automated chatbots, and modern UI design to increase conversion rates


University of Waterloo

Sept 2020 - April 2025 (expected)

Bachelors of Computer Science | GPA: 4.0 | CAV: 95.5%

I won the Magnum Centennial and Presidential Distinction entrance scholarships.


GiftBack - Winner at Holiday Hacks 2020

GiftBack is a Chrome extension that makes giving back easier. You can set a preferred donation percentage or flat upmark and GiftBack will modify all prices on supported online retailers to match your post-donation price. Give back with GiftBack.

The GiftBack Chrome extension was built in JavaScript with CSS injections to modify price. Upon purchasing, your Firebase balance is automatically updated. To donate or change your preferred charity, visit your personalized dashboard, built in Bootstrap, JavaScript, and SASS, to view your donation history. Learn more at our DevPost and landing page.

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Redeem is a multi-platform tool to help you account for your shipping donations. It upmarks prices on supported retailers based on a formula that calculates the dollar cost of the product's emissions.

The Redeem Chrome extension was built in JavaScript and calculates upmarks behind the scenes, updating them with CSS injections. The mobile application scans pictures of tags and uses the information available to create an emissions best estimate, built in Dash using ML Kit. The dashboard connects them both, allowing you to donate your balance to a charity of choice and track your donations. One account connects all these platforms through Firebase. Learn more at our DevPost and landing page.

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Photomosaic Generator

This Python-based web application generates a photomosaic from a user-inputted image using the PIL image processing library. The user is offered choice in the granualarity of the photomosaic and the image database that the smaller images come from.

Full stack integration was made in Flask with a front-end created in HTML/CSS and JavaScript. A Heroku-deployed version (with Heroku's run-time limitations) is available at Photmosaic Generator

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Facial Expression Recognizer

This Python-based full-stack application recognizes facial expressions from a webcam or uploaded video using a neural network trained on over 40 000 images and unique expressions. I used validation bunching and representation learning to create a CNN with 84% recognition accuracy.

Full stack integration was done through Flask with an HTML/CSS/JavaScript front end.

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Personal Website

Created in over 3 versions over 4 months, this website is a testament to dedication and continous improvement.

It was created in HTML/CSS, using SASS stylesheets for variable modification. Media queries and Bootstrap were used to create a fully responsive design. JavaScript was implemented to create animations and information storage. Gulp.js was used to streamline building and production.

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